A letter to President Ferdinand Marcos Jr.

Dear President Ferdinand Marcos Jr.,

I hope this letter finds you in good health and high spirits. I am writing to you today as a concerned citizen who deeply cares about the well-being of our nation, the Philippines. I believe it is essential to express my thoughts and feelings regarding your presidency, as it directly impacts the lives of      millions of Filipinos.

Firstly, I want to acknowledge the weight of the legacy you carry as the son of a former president. The Marcos name is undeniably intertwined with the history of our nation. However, it is essential to remember that history is a teacher, and we must learn from both its triumphs and its mistakes.

While you may have inherited your father's political lineage, it is crucial to demonstrate your commitment to transparency, accountability, and good governance. Our country deserves a leader who prioritizes the welfare of the people and works diligently to address the pressing issues we face.

As a concerned citizen, I am worried about the growing divide among our people. The Philippines is a diverse nation, rich in culture and heritage. It is disheartening to witness the increasing polarization and discord among different sectors of society. I implore you to foster unity, encourage dialogue, and create an environment that respects differing opinions and promotes inclusivity.

Furthermore, I must express my deep concern over the state of our economy. The COVID-19 pandemic has brought immense challenges, and many of our fellow countrymen continue to suffer from its repercussions. It is vital that you prioritize economic recovery, job creation, and support for the most vulnerable members of our society. By investing in sustainable development and implementing sound economic policies, we can rebuild a stronger and more resilient nation.

In conclusion, President Ferdinand Marcos Jr., I write this letter not out of anger or resentment, but out of a genuine concern for the future of our beloved Philippines. I believe in the power of leadership to bring about positive change and uplift the lives of our people. It is my hope that you will heed the voices of the Filipino people, embrace transparency, and work tirelessly to address the pressing issues we face as a nation.

May your presidency be marked by a commitment to justice, progress, and the well-being of every Filipino citizen. Together, let us build a brighter future for the Philippines.





*Callejo, Ranz Andrew. 2023. Vigan City. A letter to President Ferdinand Marcos Jr.


*Getty Images.(2023) Picture pin of President BBM

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