Children's right we protect

   As a living person, we should support all the children's rights that is stated to us to ensure one's child their safety as well as their rights to live. We need to ensure safety in children's healthcare. We also need to ensure to support the shelter where they live because it consists in the safety category. All parents need to support those also to get their sons and daughters safe at all times. We need to help each other to make an individual child a future to our country, just like what Dr. Jose Rizal translated in English "All child is the future for our country". We children needs help for our safety, and we are thankful to the processed rights for us children and supporting it when National Children's Month.

    Although some individuals just sway those rights away and think it as a joke some also doesn't follow the rules or rights and did some actions against the laws , resulting of misunderstanding when it comes to safety of children, resulting to so called rape, kidnapping, killing and more that can end one's life easily. So to that we still need to control and locate the people who is against the law. 

    Furthermore it is a must to have those laws to stop the so called pedophiles, kidnappers, and rapist. Because the world is ruined they also sell child prostitute which is against the law and is illegal because at a very young age they sell their bodies just to gather income where they can just work and gather income. So we need to make awareness and spread those rights and laws to the public, don't be afraid to speak up because this is the reason to stop molestation, kidnapping, pedophiles, and rapist.

     In Conclusion, all those rights stated are really the only hope to save children's as well as the adults also because this rights can serve as their basis to be aware of what's happening in our destroyed world. Spread awareness, and be safe always.



*Callejo, Ranz Andrew. 2023. Vigan City. Children's Right We Protect. Retrieve from
