Time to express love

Valentine's Day, observed annually on February 14th, is a celebration of love and affection that has deep historical roots. Initially associated with the Roman festival of Lupercalia, this day has transformed into a global celebration where individuals express their emotions for one another. While some critics argue that it has become overly commercialized, many embrace the opportunity to demonstrate love through thoughtful gestures. From exchanging heartfelt cards and bouquets of flowers to sharing intimate dinners, people use Valentine's Day as a special occasion to strengthen their connections. The tradition of sending Valentine's cards dates back centuries, with the practice becoming widespread in the 18th century. Today, the exchange of cards has evolved to include a variety of expressions, ranging from traditional romantic sentiments to humorous and platonic messages. This diversity reflects the inclusive nature of the holiday, extending its significance beyond just romantic relationships. Friends, family members, and colleagues also partake in the festivities, fostering a sense of shared appreciation and warmth. Flowers, particularly roses, have become synonymous with Valentine's Day, symbolizing love and beauty. The tradition of gifting flowers can be traced back to the Victorian era, where the language of flowers, or "floriography," was used to convey sentiments that may have been challenging to express verbally. The vibrant colors and delicate petals of flowers serve as tangible expressions of emotion, making them timeless tokens of affection. Beyond material gifts, Valentine's Day encourages people to spend quality time together. Whether through a romantic dinner, a cozy movie night, or a simple walk in the park, these shared experiences contribute to the foundation of lasting connections. While the emphasis is often on romantic relationships, the day also prompts reflection on the broader spectrum of love, emphasizing the importance of all meaningful connections in our lives. In conclusion, Valentine's Day transcends its commercial connotations, offering a valuable opportunity to celebrate love in its various forms. The exchange of cards, flowers, and shared experiences serves as a reminder to express appreciation for the people who play significant roles in our lives. Whether celebrating with a romantic partner, friends, or family, the essence of Valentine's Day lies in fostering connections and spreading love in a world that can always benefit from a little more warmth and affection.

   *Callejo, Ranz Andrew. 2024 Vigan City.Time to Express Love


   *Real Simple (2024) The History of Valentine's Day, and Why We Celebrate

