Month of girls

Every March, the international community comes together to celebrate Women's History Month, a special period devoted to recognizing and appreciating the invaluable contributions of women throughout the ages and in today's world. This annual celebration provides a platform to honour the achievements of women in a variety of fields, while also drawing attention to the ongoing struggles they face in their pursuit of equality and recognition.
Women's Month is a time to acknowledge and praise the incredible accomplishments of women in all walks of life. From ground-breaking scientists and transformative political figures to innovative businesswomen and inspiring activists, women have made substantial contributions across various sectors, enriching our shared human experience.
However, despite progress towards gender equality, Women's Month also serves as a stark reminder of the lingering challenges women face. Issues such as bias, gender-based violence, wage inequality, and restricted access to education and healthcare continue to hinder women's full participation and progress in society. Additionally, intersectional factors such as race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, and socioeconomic status amplify these challenges, emphasizing the need for comprehensive, intersectional solutions to address gender inequality.


  *Callejo, Ranz Andrew. 2024 Vigan City. Month of girls
